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Xuchang economic and trade delegation visited Europe again to promote Xuchang's cooperation with Germany (Europe) to a new level
【信息来源:【信息时间:2023-04-24 17:18  阅读次数: 】【字号 】【我要打印】【关闭

From April 14 to 23, an economic and trade delegation from Xuchang, led by Mayor Liu Tao, went to Germany, France, and Sweden to conduct an investigation.

Focusing on key areas such as intelligent manufacturing, new energy and new materials, Liu Tao and his entourage visited a number of world's top 500 enterprises, industry leaders and well-known institutions. For example, Allgaier Group, ALBA Group, Befesa Group, Saint-Gobain Group, Igelosa Life science and technology park, Ideon Science Park, etc., carried out a series of investment promotion activities. They visited Wu Kun,Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, Michael Schumann, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, and other local business and economic celebrities, and held a meeting on economic and trade cooperation between China (Xuchang) and Germany, to promote the accelerated landing of projects under discussion, as well as the production and efficiency of projects under construction as soon as possible, and continue to expand economic and trade cooperation and exchanges between Xuchang and Germany and other European countries.

许昌市经贸代表团再赴欧洲考察 推动许昌对德(欧)合作再上新台阶


